One of the key safety points in bike riding is to always be sure that you have all the materials you need. Even for sports riders, it’s important to be able to carry all your essentials to make sure you have yourself covered in the case of an accident or even just for your basic health. Saddle bags for bicycles are super handy because they are essentially bags for your bike. They come in all kinds of different sizes and styles that it could be hard to choose the specific one for your needs.
If you’re confused at which type of bicycle saddle bag you’ll need or are not sure what specifications to look for, don’t fret! We have some of the best bicycle saddle bag reviews available to you complete with specifications and links to see for yourself. There are some really great benefits to owning a bicycle saddle bag in general, but it always helps to read reviews from other riders to help you with your decision.
Table Of Contents
Top 7 Best Bicycle Saddle Bags Comparisons
Brand | Details |
Topeak MTX Trunk Bag Ex | |
M-Wave Amsterdam Hard Box | |
Brooks Brick Lane Roll-Up Bicycle Panniers | |
Blackburn Local Saddle Bags | |
Ortlieb Back Roller Classic Yellow/Black Saddle Bags 2016 | |
Jandd Saddle Bag Pannier | |
Diamondback Dbs 50Ci Bicycle Saddle Bag, Small |
What is a Bicycle Saddle Bag?
A bicycle saddle bag is one of many awesome bike accessories you can get and can vary from that standard iconic basket you see in the front of old bicycles from the movies, to a high-tech sports bag that can easily attach and drape over the bicycle. It’s kind of like a fanny pack for your bike – if you could imagine that. Although they sound cumbersome and bulky, you can really get a lot of use out of saddle bags and they come in all kinds of styles. There’s smooth and sleek for the bicyclist that prefers some rougher terrain or enjoys speed racing, and then there are the bulkier bags such as those iconic bicycle baskets you see in the front.
Whatever your preference is, these packs can come in handy, especially when you want to carry gear such as cameras, recorders or other techy stuff so you can catch the scenic view off the mountain. This could also be awesome if you are planning a picnic out in the woods with friends. It just depends on what kind of bag you want and the expectations you have from it.
What Should You Look for in Bicycle Saddle Bag?
- First, determine your specifications. If you need a bag that can withstand sports terrain, speed racing or even harsher terrain, you’re going to need a saddle bag that can keep up with you. This means you should look for a sleeker, more compact model.
- Look for brands that prompt a more durable bag and look for details such as stitching and attachments. You need to make sure you’re buying a high-quality bag since it’s meant to keep up with you and your lifestyle.
Once you assess these things, you are more than likely going to be more comfortable making a better educated decision when it comes to picking out your bicycle saddle bag. If you’re still not so sure, make sure to pay attention to the reviews, as there will be people who have used or have experience with this particular model and can better assess your concerns. With that being said, here are some of the top reviews for bicycle saddle bags.
Top 7 Best Bicycle Saddle Bags Reviews
Topeak MTX Trunk Bag Ex
The Topeak MTX Trunk Bag Ex has so many interesting features, it’d be hard to find anything really wrong with this saddle satchel. This is the type of bag that conveniently fastens on the back of the bike, which is why it’s called a trunk bag. This bag can be used by both professional and amateur bike riders and is also pretty easy to use. This product also boasts to have been used and tested for quality and durability. If you need a bag to carry a lot of stuff without wearing out, this is the bag for you.
M-Wave Amsterdam Hard Box
The M-Wave Amsterdam Hard Box features all the greatness of a standard bicycle saddle bag, but with extra protection from a harder box. This is a sort of shell that will prevent anything from getting damaged within the bike, even in the event of a spill out or fall. This is particularly convenient for bikers who carry important gear with them such as cell phones, cameras or recorders. If you are the type that likes to ride up hard terrain and then photograph or take video, this could very well be the case for you.
Brooks Brick Lane Roll-Up Bicycle Panniers
The Brooks Brick Lane Roll-Up Bicycle Pannier is an interesting concept to a standard bicycle saddle bag because, just as the name states, it rolls up. This self-closing bag conveniently keeps all of your stuff rolled up together without taking up too much space or being too difficult to maneuver or close. This is the ideal bicycle saddle bag for those who do a lot of city riding and don’t need a bigger box since you’re not carrying as much stuff.
Blackburn Local Saddle Bags
The Blackburn Local Saddle Bags are more of your standard bicycle saddle bag situation. They are pretty roomy, so you have a lot of space to carry extra gear and this certain bag comes with a super nifty shoulder strap that is also removable. This way, instead of having to unpack your bag everywhere you go, you can simply throw it over your shoulder and take all your stuff with you. How much more convenient can you get?
Ortlieb Back Roller Classic Yellow/Black Saddle Bags 2016
The Ortlieb Back Roller Classic Yellow/Black Saddle Bags are a modern spin on the traditional saddle bag. These bags feature unique roll and snap fastening systems that will easily and effectively attach to most bicycles. These have an integrated inner pocket that is also super convenient to use when you have multiple things you need to store and don’t want to waste time fishing around for particulars. The roll and snap closure make fastening a breeze, and hey, the colors are pretty great, too.
Jandd Saddle Bag Pannier
The Jandd Saddle Bag Pannier is a super interesting and sturdy design. Made with thick fabric, this vinyl bag is pretty much indestructible. This is the type of bag that simply drapes over a bike rod and can be fastened with securing belts. This is a more traditional style of saddle bag that is capable of carrying all your gear and then some. Perfect for mountain biking or taking the scenic route to test out your new camera.
Diamondback Dbs 50Ci Bicycle Saddle Bag, Small
Smaller is better when it comes to the Diamondback Dbs 50Ci Saddle Bag. This nifty little bag is small in size but can definitely pack a lot of stuff. This is the ideal pack for bike riding up in the mountains or even for a speed racer who just needs a few essentials to talk along the marathon. This can easily hold a bottle for water and even some snacks and a camera. This is perfect for the minimalist who just needs to go out and ride without all the hassles.
In the Rearview
So, there you have it. Some of the best, highly reviewed bicycle saddle bags you can find on the market. If you still aren’t so sure which of these nifty bags you’d prefer, most of these should come with warranties so you can simply test them out for yourself. If not, there are plenty of reviews within these links to help get you on your way.